Freedom to Be

I’ve been thinking about ‘freedom’ as I ponder the year before me. Hopes and expectations whirl around at this time of year. Which ones will be welcome travel companions? Am I merely continuing with habitual expectations of myself… and other people’s expectations of me. I notice the ease at which I could slip into a familiar place I don’t necessarily want to be. So I am pausing and listening rather than racing on. I must confess, I was surprised to find this more of a challenge than first anticipated!

It can take quite a lot of effort to be free.

Freedom comes with a willingness to look, a realization, a choice and subsequent choices as a result. Being outside helps me to think. When I go for a walk and look at the natural world around me I’m able to get a clearer perspective as I’m reminded of the bigger picture. I love to look out across the sea and appreciate the ‘ahhh’ moment that comes with the beauty of the light on the water. This breathes a freedom into my soul.

Freedom Blue

I recently listened to a speaker who travelled down from Manchester. He was struck by this beautiful coastal city and said how wonderful it was to see a horizon line. It dawned on him that he doesn’t see one at all in the inner city where he lives!

Metaphorically speaking, it does us good to look out across the horizon. Deciding to get away from what’s built up around us, reminding ourselves there is more. Busyness, habit and familiarity all play their part in influencing how we see and make choices. I have found this to be a good time of year for checking up on what is motivating my thoughts and actions, and think about whether I need to make a few adjustments. How about you?

Freedom to Be

I’m very fortunate to live in an area where I can appreciate the rolling hills of the Westcountry as well as the coast. I like it when I see the trees silhouetted against a vast sky. With this painting ‘Freedom to Be’ I was drawn to the way one tree seemed to stick up differently from the others around it. No oughts or blending. Almost defiantly being itself, against a backdrop of glory celebrating it’s uniqueness. I like that!

So as you venture out into the year ahead, may you also listen to the whisperings of your soul and enter more fully into the freedom of being yourself, taking time to do the things that make you come alive. Heaven and earth are cheering you on as you travel with hope and authenticity.


“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” –  Nelson Mandela

14 thoughts on “Freedom to Be

  1. Beautiful paintings. I really love the colours in Freedom Blue. But also some important stuff here about how hard it is for us to free ourselves from past habits, expectations …. Thank you.


    • Very true… and it’s so good to take time out in our busy lives to be aware. Opens up the way for renewing our minds where needed and making some changes in response. Thank you for commenting. And I love the blue colours too!


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